NYC Council Passes Legislation to Create Greener, Greater Buildings in New York City
New York's City Council passed major legislation to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings. Under the umbrella of PLANYC four bills, known as the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan, creates a New York City Energy Conservation Code on building performance benchmarking, lighting retrofits & tenant submetering, and audit & retro-commissioning measures.
The four bills go into effect by 1 July 2010 and include:
The remaining three bills apply not to the entire city, but to those buildings over 50,000 square feet (or buildings on the same tax lot that together exceed 100,000 square feet.)
Int. No. 476-A: NYC legislation that requires large buildings owners to make an annual benchmark analysis of energy consumption so that owners, tenants, and potential tenants can compare buildings' energy consumption.
Int. No. 967-A: NYC legislation that requires large private buildings to conduct energy audits once every ten years and implement energy efficient maintenance practices. Also, all city-owned buildings over 10,000 sq ft will be required to conduct audits and complete energy retrofits.
Int. No. 973-A: NYC legislation that requires large commercial buildings (over 50,000 square feet) to upgrade their lighting and sub-meter tenant spaces (over 10,000 square feet) by 2025. The requirement will not apply to residential living spaces.
In addition to the legislation, the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan includes two other initiatives: A workforce development working group to identify the skills needed and ensure that sufficient training opportunities exist; and green building financing.
View the PlanNYC NYC Greener, Greater Buildings Plan, access the Mayor's Press Release and Video, and read the entire legislation